create a user on wordpress

How To Add An Admin/Editor User To WordPress

Short guide for anyone looking to add an admin or an editor to their WordPress website to edit content. And what user roles mean and their permissions.

Adding An Admin Or Editor To Your WordPress

You may need to do this if you need anyone to edit or develop your website, from content to the pages themselves so be aware the difference between editor and admin roles before you create anyone an account with these roles.

There are also a number of other roles which ill list below with their values.

  • Administrator
    The administrator role has every permission an owner would have. They can even change an administrators password and other users. This should only be given out to people you know you can trust to have that level of access on your website. Or designers building your website.
  • Editor
    The edit user role is great for editors or designers who are editing or changing content. This gives them access to publishing, and editing pages and posts on your website. They will not have access to to more core elements that an administrator does.
  • Author
    An author can only create and change content of his own post. He doesnt have access to pages or others peoples post. A great role if you have multiple authors writing on your website.
  • Contributor
    A contributor can edit their own post but it will be held under moderation untill an author or higher user approves it. This can work well for guest posting so the contributor can get the content ready, it can then be checked and approved or rejected.
  • Subscriber
    Subscribers on WordPress are simply users that follow a post, they cant log in, edit or access any of the back end of your website.

Guide To Add An Admin/Editor To WordPress

  1. Once logged in to the back end of your WordPress site select Add New in the Users Tab on the left hand side of the screen.
  1. First fill in the users Username followed by their Email (the notification of their account will be sent here)
  1. Next fill in the first name and second name of the user.
  1. Optionally you can add their website to their profile.
  1. Now either generate a password or create one for the user, and also check the box to notify them if you want an email to be sent with their login information. If unchecked you will manually have to send them their user information.
    (Having problems with your emails sending? Contact us)
  1. You can now finally choose the role from the roles option below.
  1. Finally go ahead and click on create! And thats it your done and the information has been sent to the user or you can send it manually yourself.

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